888. Fair Candy Swap (Solution || Leetcode Easy || Java)
Alice and Bob have a different total number of candies. You are given two integer arrays aliceSizes
and bobSizes
where aliceSizes[i]
is the number of candies of the ith
box of candy that Alice has and bobSizes[j]
is the number of candies of the jth
box of candy that Bob has.
Since they are friends, they would like to exchange one candy box each so that after the exchange, they both have the same total amount of candy. The total amount of candy a person has is the sum of the number of candies in each box they have.
Return an integer array answer
where answer[0]
is the number of candies in the box that Alice must exchange, and answer[1]
is the number of candies in the box that Bob must exchange. If there are multiple answers, you may return any one of them. It is guaranteed that at least one answer exists.
Example 1:
Input: aliceSizes = [1,1], bobSizes = [2,2]
Output: [1,2]
Example 2:
Input: aliceSizes = [1,2], bobSizes = [2,3]
Output: [1,2]
Example 3:
Input: aliceSizes = [2], bobSizes = [1,3]
Output: [2,3]
1 <= aliceSizes.length, bobSizes.length <= 104
1 <= aliceSizes[i], bobSizes[j] <= 105
- Alice and Bob have a different total number of candies.
- There will be at least one valid answer for the given input.
class Solution {
public int[] fairCandySwap(int[] aliceSizes, int[] bobSizes) {
int aliceTotal = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < aliceSizes.length; i++){//finding total candies that alice contains
aliceTotal += aliceSizes[i];
int bobTotal = 0;
for(int j = 0; j < bobSizes.length; j++){//finding total candies that bob contains
bobTotal += bobSizes[j];
Arrays.sort(bobSizes);//sorting alice candies
Arrays.sort(aliceSizes);//sorting bob candies
//running loop to see if by chnging thier candies if their total become equal then return that number of candies
for(int i = 0; i < aliceSizes.length; i++){
if(i == 0 || (i > 0 && aliceSizes[i] != aliceSizes[i-1])){
for(int j = 0; j < bobSizes.length; j++){
if(j == 0 || (j > 0 && bobSizes[j] != bobSizes[j-1])){
if(aliceTotal — aliceSizes[i] + bobSizes[j] == bobTotal — bobSizes[j] + aliceSizes[i]){
return new int[] {aliceSizes[i],bobSizes[j]};
return new int[]{-1,-1};
Thank you for reading. If you have queries, please let me know in the comment section.