367. Valid Perfect Square (Leetcode || Easy || Java)
Given a positive integer num, write a function which returns True if num is a perfect square else False.
Follow up: Do not use any built-in library function such as sqrt
Example 1:
Input: num = 16
Output: true
Example 2:
Input: num = 14
Output: false
1 <= num <= 2^31 - 1
class Solution {
public boolean isPerfectSquare(int num) {
if(num == 1){//if num is 1 return true
return true;
//determining the range for searching
int start = 1;
int end = num/2;
while(start <= end){//Applying binary search
int mid = start + (end — start)/2;
if((long)mid*mid == num){//if we get the number is square of some number, return true and we use long data type here because mid*mid can exceed the limited value of an integer
return true;
else if((long)mid*mid > num){
end = mid -1;
start = mid + 1;
return false;//if you don’t find root of the given number return false
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